Photo Of Woman Cyclist’s ‘MIDDLE FINGER’ Gesture At US President Donald Trump As His Motorcade Passes Goes Viral

A picture of a woman cyclist riding alongside US President Donald Trump’s motorcade is going viral on social media platforms. The president of the United States is used to being saluted, but a cyclist in Virginia put her own particular slant on the tradition on Saturday when she was overtaken by Donald Trump’s motorcade.

The US President Donald Trump on Saturday visited his Trump National Golf Club, Virginia in Washington, D.C. When Trump’s vehicles passed her on their way out from the Trump National Golf Club, the woman on her bike was photographed raising her middle finger.

Soon, the photo of the woman showing him the middle finger had been widely shared on social media.

As noted in the White House pool report, “POTUS’s motorcade departed the Trump National Golf Club at 3.12pm, passing two pedestrians, one of whom gave a thumbs-down sign. Then it overtook a female cyclist, wearing a cycling helmet, who responded by giving the middle finger.

Pool reporters who spotted the woman said that was trying to get the President’s attention. The photo was tweeted by AFP, with the caption, “A woman on a bike gestures as the motorcade with US President Donald Trump departs Trump National Golf Course in Sterling, Virginia.”

Several journalists tweeted out the incident as well. “Motorcade “overtook a female cyclist… who responded by giving the middle finger… cyclist caught up, still offering the finger,” posted MSNBC’s, Kyle Griffin.

VOA White House correspondent Steve Herman also shared a note documenting the incident.

Social media users responded to the image of the cyclist with messages such as “Heroine!” and “Her2020”. A Twitter user called “Trump’s Nanny” subsequently came forward to identify herself as the protester. Her Twitter profile says: “I am Donald Trump’s babysitter, and you are, too. He is a deranged dictator who needs constant supervision from all of us.”

The photo was then picked up by many on the micro-blogging platform, with many liberals cheering for her and even calling her a hero.

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