PM Narendra Modi Took A Dig At Rahul Gandhi In Lok Sabha On Thursday

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, speaking in Lok Sabha on Thursday, hit back at the Congress Party using the quotes made by its own leaders in the past. PM Modi’s speech was a strong rebuttal to an attack made by Rahul Gandhi the previous day.

Replying to the Motion of Thanks to the President’s address, PM Modi also took a dig at Congress Vice-president Rahul Gandhi’s speech on Wednesday and accused the Opposition of not letting the Parliament function.

“Parliament is a forum where different viewpoints are put forward, where questions are being asked by the government, where government is made accountable and nobody is spared, and one shouldn’t expect otherwise,” PM Modi said, and also, “in doing so, it would be great if we uphold parliamentary traditions” to let the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha function “peacefully and responsibly”. “It is not me saying this. These are the words of former prime minister Rajiv Gandhi,” PM Modi told the Lok Sabha

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