A 24-year-old policeman, Manoj Barahate saved a man’s life at the Kumbh Mela in Nashik in Maharashtra who tried to kill himself by jumping off a bridge into the waters of the River Godavari. This young cop, who hails from the Wardha district in Maharashtra, jumped off into the river after him from 20 feet high bridge to save the man’s life without a second thought. Had it not been for this brave cop at that time, the man would have lost his life.
Kumbh Mela is being held in Nasik these days. Millions of Hindu devotees throng Nasik to take a holy dip in the waters of Godavari river every 12 years. In 2003 around 29 people lost their lives. Police have made punctilious arrangements this year to avoid any stampedes or accidents. However, yesterday, a man tried to take off his life by jumping off from a bridge. Manoj and his colleagues rushed to stop him, but they could not reach on time and the man jumped off the 20-feet high bridge. This incident happened between 3 and 4 pm.
While many people rushed to watch what had just happened, some tried to enter the water from under the bridge to see if the man could be saved. But Manoj knew that there was no time to waste. He took out his mobile phone and wallet from his pocket and without thinking twice jumped into the water and saved the man’s life. This cop has really done a great job of saving a precious life and thereby setting an example of selfless service to the mankind.
On being asked if he was not scared to jump from that height, Manoj said: “There was no other option. That was the only way to save him. I saw that there was no movement in the water after he jumped. So if I would have gone from under the bridge he would have lost his life.”
Praveen Gedam, an IAS officer and Commissioner, Nashik Municipal Corporation, tweeted about Manoj’s bravery, along with pictures of him that were caught right on time by a CCTV camera.
Policeman Manoj Barahate jumped off from 20 ft high bridge to save a man. One more life saved! Salute to his #bravery pic.twitter.com/jPDmFy8Aoy
— Praveen Gedam (@praveengedam) September 14, 2015
Kudos for his courageous and quick response that saved a fellow human being’s life.