Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Says She Does “Not Understand” The Gun Laws Of The U.S

In just 5 months, the United States of America has seen more than 100 mass shootings. A mass shooting is defined when at least or more people are injured or killed.

But even after the mass shootings in the country, the government of the U.S has not done anything about it, presidents and prime ministers around the world are also wondering why the country has not done anything yet.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says that she does “not understand” the gun laws of the United States.

A few months ago, a white supremacist killed 51 people in a mass shooting, the incident happened in 2 mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. The gunman shot people who were inside the mosque for their Friday prayers, he also live streamed the whole incident on Facebook.

And just after 7 days, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced that there will be changes in the gun laws in New Zealand, with the hopes that the Christchurch terror attack will never happen again.

The fast act of Prime Minister Jacinda and the government of New Zealand led people to call out the US.

In a recent interview, Prime Minister Ardern said, “Australia experienced a massacre and changed their laws. New Zealand had its experience and changed its laws. To be honest, I do not understand the United States.”

She added, “We will continue to be a food-producing nation that deals with animal welfare issues and so on, and has a practical purpose and use for guns, but you can draw a line and say that that does not mean that you need access to military-style semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles. You do not. And New Zealanders, by and large, absolutely agreed with that position.”

In March 2019, Prime Minister Ardern announced a ban on military-style weapons like semi-automatic weapons, assault rifles, high capacity magazines, and gun parts that could convert normal guns into military grade weapons.

Prime Minister Ardern said, “On March 15 our history changed forever. Now, our laws will too. We are announcing action today on behalf of all New Zealanders to strengthen our gun laws and make our country a safer place.”

She added, “To owners who have legitimate uses for their guns, I want to reiterate that the actions being announced today are not because of you, and are not directed at you. Our actions, on behalf of all New Zealanders, are directed at making sure this never happens again.”