Are Your Private Moments Online Really Private? This Video Says It’s NOT

We all have private moments in our life. But what about the privacy in the online world.Nothing is private in the online world and you have to be super cautious whenever you are dong something online. There is always a third eye watching you whatever you do online. All your data is being stored in servers and can be breached anytime out. So be super cautious if you are doing anything private online the next time.

Is your personal life safe and secure…??

Foremost to be remembered ,  A guy who have respect to the women , will never ask your nudes to count it as the amount of love you had. A real men who would love his girl , never wish something so private to be seen in virtual .I request to all the girls out there to have respect for your body , Its your private parts that has been seen as virtue in this world .  please don’t fall into wrong hands and destroy your future .

At the same time , I request all the guys to not let this happen to your girl friends . Please its the women who gave us birth , have some respect to the women race . If you have been sharing your private session , remember yourself if your sister or someone else in your family would have to face the same problem . will you feel good for that ?

Its our sincere request to everyone out there, to be very vigilant when it comes to your privacy.