Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader, Subramanian Swamy alleged that, Congress party vice-president Rahul Gandhi declared himself as the citizen of Britain which could be ascertained by the registration papers of a private company in London filled in the year 2003. Although the allegations of over the Congress VP Rahul Gandhi have been brushed aside by the leaders of the party.
Congress Party VP- Rahul Gandhi Stripped of Indian citizenship: Subramanian Swamy
The senior most BJP leader in a letter addressed to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi necessitated that the Indian citizenship of Rahul Gandhi has to deprived by the government of India and the honorary Parliamentary membership. Subramanian Swamy releasing the relevant supporting documents called on for immediate action of the government over the leader of the opposition party.
Showing the supporting documents claiming Rahul Gandhi as the British citizen, Subramanian Swamy said, “Mr Gandhi had called himself as the British on the annual returns of a UK-based firm Backops Limited“. As per the alleged documents evidenced by Subramanian Swamy it has cited in the documents that Rahul Gandhi was the director and secretary of the company. When asked about the genuineness of the documents, Mr. Swamy said that he had evoked the documents from the company law authority s of Britain.
Allegations Over Rahul Gandhi Strongly Denied by Congress
Congress party’s spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala said, “From the day Rahul Gandhi was born, he has been an Indian national and always, held an Indian passport.” To affirm his statements, Mr. Randeep Singh Surjewala released the Backups Limited company’s documents of incorporation which were dated August 2003, in which Rahul Gandhi is shown as an Indian national.
Although the party leaders and spokesperson have yet failed to make the facts clear behind Rahul Gandhi being referred as the British national while filing the company’s annual returns in 2005 and 2006. Although the as per the confidential documents accessed from the original records from the website of Companies House, the UK government’s equivalent of India’s Registrar of Companies, proves the divergence in which Mr Gandhi was stated as an Indian national in the incorporation documents, while he was stated as British national in the annual returns.
Subramanian Swamy said, “The company was dissolved in 2009 and even in the dissolution application, Mr, Gandhi stated that his nationality is British on the date he was appointed the director of the company. As you can see from the company annual record that Mr the Rahul Gandhi has given his date of birth correctly but has declared himself to be of British nationality with a United Kingdom address … this is, prima facie, a violation of the law and the constitutional position in the country.”
In the letter addressed to the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi, Mr. Subramanian Swamy said “I urge you to treat this matter with great urgency and immediately take necessary steps to see if this prima facie evidence is rebuttable, and if not, order than Mr Rahul Gandhi be stripped of his citizenship and his membership of the Lok Sabha.” When congress party was approached for the clear facts they responded claiming that this is merely the frustration of BJP party leaders at the Bihar defeat and its enigmatical internal revolt among the party senior leadership.