Due to heavy rainfall on Thursday in Chennai, the whole city was flooded, a lot of trains and flights were delayed, schools and colleges were declared rain holiday on Friday. Heavy rain lashed the city for the fifth day bring it to a virtual halt. Due to the whole city is covered by the water, no relief is expected anytime soon. The MeT department has warned of very heavy showers in the city in the next 24 hours.
So far, more than 50 people have died in rain-related incidents in the state since five days. Seven deaths have been reported in the last 24 hours. Constant rain has caused water-logging in Velachery, Anna Nagar, T Nagar and many more places in the city. The formation of a new trough of low pressure in the Bay of Bengal, it has said, could also lead to heavy rain in Kancheepuram and Vellore districts.
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Many people were stranded due to water logging in many places. People who braved the rain were struck in the traffic for a long time. In south Chennai, lakes breached their banks, and water flowed onto the roads. People in few areas took to the streets to protest against the failure of the Chennai Corporation in preventing water stagnation. Several areas also faced power cuts. In some places, it was restored after the water receded.
The season in which Chennai resembles Venice #chennairains pic.twitter.com/AnC5q0U7cD
— Krishnan (@tskrishnan) November 13, 2015
Railways Affected:
“A low-pressure area forming over the Bay of Bengal is causing the downpour,” said regional meteorological centre deputy director general S B Thampi. Members of Railway Protection Force were helping commuters walk across the track to reach the Tambaram Sanatorium railway station. The Southern Railway administration was unable to pump out rainwater stagnated in the subway at the station. Angry commuters approached the staff at the station and questioned the officials.
“Commuters at Tambaram Sanatorium are unable to use the passenger subway and are crossing the railway tracks something the Southern Railway administration campaigns against. Residents suffer every year during monsoon, but a permanent solution is yet to be found,” said P. Viswanathan of Chitlapakkam.
#chennairains #Chennai #chennaicyclone chennai floats on black Friday pic.twitter.com/TMhZCt0671
— Komal (@SocialWomania) November 13, 2015
Relief Measures:
The Chennai Corporation rescued over 1,300 people from Tiruvottiyur, Kolathur and other localities in north Chennai to nearby schools. 57,000 food packets were provided to people across the city.
Schools and Colleges Were Given Holiday:
Schools and colleges are closed in the city following the Met department’s forecast. This is the third time that a holiday has been declared for educational institutions in the city.
Cuddalore district, 180 km from Chennai, was the worst hit. Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa had condoled the death of the victims, a majority of whom drowned in flood waters and announced Rs. 4 lakh each to their families as assistance from the Disaster Relief Fund.