With government agencies barely able to reach out to marooned Chennai residents, many good Samaritans are doing their bit by offering food and shelter. Several organizations and individuals swung into action in their own small (or big) ways possible to help people affected by floods in Chennai. The Twitter hashtag #Chennairainshelp and #Chennaifloods saw an outpouring of relief plans as well as information about how people from the city could help those stranded due to the floods.
Bengaluru boy Ram Kashyap has taken up the responsibility of providing relief materials to the citizens of Chennai. He created a team of volunteers and is collecting aides, including food supplies, containers, paper cups, plates, rain coats and umbrellas, for the people who are hit by Chennai floods.
Soon his post went viral, more than 1200 people contacted him and till now, more than 300 donors volunteered to help people in Chennai by helping him collect all the essentials, proving that humanity still prevailed, and people still cared.
Volunteers willing to pick up relief material and help with co-coordinating rescue information were encouraged to sign up using Google forms. Kashyap says that a lot of people have donated cooked food, packaged foods, sanitary pads, sheets, old clothes, diapers, medicines and other things.
Ram Kashyap also says that he and his group have created 14 drop-off points in Bangalore where people can come and drop their donations off. He also told IBN Live that he and his friends have made their bank account details public so that people can contribute for their fuel expenses for their drive to Chennai.
People who wish to help Kashyap can directly get in touch with him here. CLICK HERE