Bollywood actor, Aamir Khan, on Monday evening, joined the ongoing intolerance debate saying there was a feeling of despondency and he was alarmed at what was happening in the nation over the last six to eight months. Speaking at the Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism Awards function, khan said, “Kiran (Aamir Kan’s wife) and I have lived all our lives in India. For the first time, she said, should we move out of India? That’s a disastrous and big statement for Kiran to make to me. She fears for her child. She fears about what the atmosphere around us will be. She feels scared to open the newspapers every day. That does indicate that there is a sense of growing disquiet.”
Reacting to the actor’s remarks on intolerance in the Indian society, many supporters and detractors poured in to comment on the matter. Social media was abuzz with responses, questions, arguments, jokes and everything in between. Most people found this statement offensive and insulting the nation on National TV.
Have a look at the reaction of this woman named ‘Shefali Vaidya’ over Aamir Khans remarks about leaving Country.
To which she received many comments in favor as well as against her views.
You can read the complete comments for the post on the facebook directly from HERE
Shefali Vaidya, furthur went on to write an Open Letter to Aamir Khan on the same issue.
India is a very tolerant country. Some people have coined the term ‘growing intolerance’. We are secular people. We do not believe in pseudo-secularism, selective outrage or selective patriotism. So, do you agree with Aamir Khan or Shefali Vaidya? Comment your views in the comments section below.