Uttar Pradesh board of education pasted former cricketer Sachin Tendulkar‘s son Arjun’s photo in an admit card issued by the state board for high school examination. About 1.6 lakh students are gong to appear for the Grade 10 Board exam starting today February 18, 2016. The issue came to the notice yesterday.
As per copy of admit card with a roll number 0025488 revealed that a passport size photo of Arjun Tendulkar had been pasted on it while the card bears the name of Arjun Singh. Moreover, the Tendulkar’s son photo on the admit card was also been attested and signed by private inter college (Ankur Inter college, Durga Nagar) administration.
A source person who found the disparency in admits card said that “It’s a nexus of education mafia with private and public colleges operating in the entire state. Scores of admit cards with fake photographs have been pasted on admit cards so that during examination someone else can appear on paper- ensuring that the actual candidate is passed.”“It’s a nexus of education mafia with private and public colleges operating in the entire state. Scores of admit cards with fake photographs have been pasted on admit cards so that during examination someone else can appear on paper- ensuring that the actual candidate is passed.”
He also said that “You can paste even Hafiz Saeed photo and no one will cross check at examination center as there are no photographs printed or pasted on attendance sheet of examination center. The entire system is managed. And even if by chance, flying squad caught the impersonator during the exam, then they won’t be able to establish his identity as the picture in admit cards are of some different person. “For each such fake admit cards, candidates pay up to Rs 20,000- 30,000 to college administration,” he added.
Dinesh Kumar, the district inspector of schools of Agra, said, “ A committee has been setup in the matter to probe it. Though we have found that, there is not a single photo in the attendance sheet of the examination center to cross check the student’s identification, where candidate Arjun other students will give their exam.”