The budding talents of Indian sports have took extreme step of self-annihilation under mysterious circumstances in Kerala. Consuming poisonous fruits four girls at the Sports Authority of India (SAI) hostel in Kerala set about to kill themselves after allegedly being harassed by seniors at the SAI center where one girl names Aparna is reported to be dead while it is reported that three girls are in critical stage in Alapuzha Medical College hospital. Sports Authority of India director general visited the victims. Sports of Authority of India (SAI) Director General Injeti Srinivas had assured the families of the victims, three girls who are battling for their life in the hospital post the tragic incident, that the treatment would be carried out by the medical experts. A suicide note was found with the deceased and the rest of three girls which is reportedly hasn’t been addressed any details of the harassment being done by the seniors or officials at the Kerala SAI, Hostel center.
Deceased Champ Aparna: “…Difficult to Share a Room With the Seniors”
The deceased Aparna is believed to apologize to her mother for taking the extreme step following alleged harassment by seniors at Sports Authority of India. “My daughter has told me about the mental and physical harassment which has caused to her by her seniors at the SAI hostel when she was battling for her life at the hospital” said grieving mother of Aparna, Geetha. Geetha added he daughter Aparna’s words as ”Mother please forgive me. I did this due to harassment of senior ‘chechis’ (elder sisters). Will I not survive?,” before last breaths. Geetha proclaims that her daughter Aparna was mentally strong enough and had no intentions of committing suicide while the continuous harassment at SAI hostel in Kerala forced her to take the extreme step as there was no other option before her.
Geetha claimed that “My daughter Aparna told me it was difficult to share a room with the seniors during her visit to home for ‘Vishu’ festival on April 15 at SAI hostel after which i urged hostel warden to change her room within three months. Although later Aparna gave a impression that all was well at the hostel probably as she might have intended not to cause any worries to us. But in the hospital bed, while battling for her life, my child told me the truth about the seniors. Two seniors used to constantly harass Aparna and the other girls, due to which they consumed the poisonous fruit.”
For the past five years Aparna was undergoing training at the watersports training center of Sports Authority of India. Because of family circumstances Aparna preferred to continue in the hostel despite the harassment. Aparna family and closed sources claim that Aparna was a hard working girl who always dreamed of getting a job to provide a better life to her younger brother who is studying in eight standard at a local school. Aparna who had brought laurels to the state was a rowing champion was only person upon which her family’s hopes rested.
Hospital sources claim that the condition of the rest of the three girls is stable who may recover at the earliest. Ramesh Chennithala, Home Minister of Kerala promised a unbiased probe after visiting the girls at the hospital. Santosh Raghavan, Hotel superintendent of Alapuzha Medical college reported that the three girls continue to be critical, but their condition had stabilized. Santosh Raghavan stated that there was no specific antidote although “We are trying to treat the main target organ, the heart. Teleconference with medical experts of the AIIMS, Delhi, was being held.”
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