The Bombay High Court on Thursday acquitted actor Salman Khan of all charges in the 2002 hit-and-run case. The court has directed the actor, who was present in court for pronouncement of verdict, to furnish a fresh cash bond of Rs 25,000 on cancellation of the bond in the trial court.
“The trial court’s verdict is quashed and set aside,” justice AR Joshi said in reading the verdict to a crowded courtroom. “Salman is acquitted of all charges.”
Salman’s fans openly showed their happiness at the judgement & Bollywood celebrated his acquittal. Salman Khan celebrated his acquittal with Singer, musician & pianist Adnan Sami. Here’s the video:
#SalmanVerdict started trending on Twitter, which by the way is still trending at the top and people had a lot to say about the verdict after it was announced.
Twitter Reaction on Salman Khan’s Verdict:
God love uuuuu. U r great ??? #SalmanVerdict
— P@ll@bi (@pallabisotwe) December 10, 2015
Best things happens to best people 🙂 sir wish u all the happiness ? ,big congratulations ?@BeingSalmanKhan
— Armaan kohli (@armaankohli) December 10, 2015
Congrats big bro @BeingSalmanKhan 🙂 God bless you 🙂
— King Mika Singh (@MikaSingh) December 10, 2015
God is always kind to good human beings, @BeingSalmanKhan with gods blessings is freed today from a hanging sword for thirteen years.cheers?
— Subhash Ghai (@SubhashGhai1) December 10, 2015
Khan has appeared in more than 90 Hindi-language films in his 27-year career, and is best known as a romantic action hero. This has been a record-breaking year for the star with his films garnering upward of Rs 500 crore at the BO.