She Wants Her Sons To See Her Nude For A Reason & That’s Thought-Provoking

Though this may sound either awkward or unacceptable while this regular mother, Rita Templeton wishes something odd and sensible than other moms in the world. Rita Templeton who is raising her four children’s objects them they should grow up with at least a vague perception of how the female body looks like.

Rita: “I want them to to know that it’s beautiful, even in its imperfections”

Rita Templeton who expresses her inner views in blog and with a leading online blog on web that saying that the body image issues that every woman is exposed to and explains why she does not want her boys to be perpetrators of the same. Rita Templeton said “Instilling a positive body image is not an issue reserved for people with daughters – and for boys, it involves not only making them confident about their own bodies, but also letting them know that real is beautiful when it comes to the opposite sex.”

Rita Templeton, the mother blogger shares her ideas and beliefs through her blog FightingFrumpy.com in bringing up the bunch of fine gentlemen. The mother blogger Rita Blogger has believes and is implementing her unique parenting strategy of exposing her own body (female) in a subtle manner to her boys infusing them with their own way of conceiving beauty in this nature, unchanged, influenced by the standards set by the people around them.

Hence the mother of four boys, Rita Templeton lays bare her body subtly to her babies showing her flab and stretch marks as a result of giving them birth, although this doesn’t mean that she loves her postpartum body, in fact she is proud of having such beautiful kids in her life now. Rita Templeton writes in her blog as “Because for right now, for these few formative years, my flab is their one and only perception of the female body. And I want them to know that it’s beautiful, even in its imperfection.”

Rita Templeton states “Ours is not a modest household. I don’t lounge around in the buff like my boys do (and I spend more time saying, “Put on some pants!” than anything else) — but I’ve never refrained from changing clothes in front of them, or leaving the door open when I shower, or nursing babies without a cover. Because I want them to see what a real female body looks like. Because if I don’t — and their first images of a naked woman are the impossibly perfect physiques in those magazines or those movies — what kind of expectations will they have? And what woman could ever live up to them?”

It isn’t a norm…

The parenting strategy of Rita Templeton are really unique and thought provoking although her ideas and principles aren’t overtly sexualized and does not conform to the impossibly perfect standards of beauty. She says “I want them to know that this is the norm, not the nipped-tucked-and-digitally-enhanced images they’re going to be bombarded with.” She further adds “boobs that are as round and firm as cantaloupes and pictures of taut, airbrushed, dimple-less butts — I’m exposing them to a different kind of female body.” Rita believes and wants her sons to understand is that real is, in fact beautiful and they aren’t norms.

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