In a shocking incident, a housewife killed her two daughters at their house at Mangalhat on Sunday evening. Police arrested Roja, 21, wife of Sumit Prasad Pandey, an auto driver from Shivlal Nagar in Mangalhat, for killing teir daughters Sumidi Pandey, 5, and Chinki Pandey, 18 months at their house when her husband was not at home and placed their bodies on the bed.
After killing her two daughters, Roja called up her husband over the phone and asked him to return home immediately. Mangalhat sub-inspector P Venkat Reddy said, Sumit rushed both his daughters to Niloufer Hospital around 6 pm, where they were declared brought dead.
Venkat Reddy said, “We are investigating the case, She has a strained relationship with her husband. She surrendered after committing the crime.” Police also said that the couple had a heated argument in the morning following which Sumit had roughed her up.
Later police arrested Roja and she confessed to police that the daily torture from her husband was the reason behind the extreme step. A case was registered against Roja under section 302 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the bodies were shifted for post-mortem.