The daughter of the victim, who died after Union HRD Minister Smriti Irani‘s cavalcade hit their vehicle, today said that she pleaded before her with folded hands but the Minister didn’t provide them any help. Irani’s convoy was caught in a car pile-up following an accident on the Yamuna Expressway on Saturday. However, Irani, who was on her way to Delhi, escaped unhurt.
“The car of the minister hit us from behind. From another car, Irani came and I pleaded before her with folded hands to help us but she did not provide any help. Then another car came from behind and hit my father again and my father died. If the other car would not have hit my father, he might have been alive today,” daughter of the victim told.
Meanwhile, her brother describing the incident said that his father was going to Mathura to attend a marriage when he was hit by Smriti Irani’s convoy.
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“After the accident, Irani came to my family members but did not offer any help despite the latter pleading before her. She just left my sister and the cousin there,” he added.
Check out How Twitterati reacts in anger:
#SmritiHitandRun From Smriti Irani to Hema Malini,BJP’s leaders empathy for commoners ,just fraud, lies n dramabazi
— Poly Sarkar (@polysmind) March 7, 2016
Smriti refused to help,drove off & lied for helping the victim who lost her father.Shameless, insensitive,obnoxious !#SmritiHitandRun
— Salman Nizami (@SalmanNizamii) March 7, 2016
#SmritiHitAndRun This is total inhuman gesture by irani.I dont think a victim’s daughter will lie in this grief situation.Irani must clarify
— WithRG (@withRG) March 7, 2016
Should I call her a coward, liar or what? #SmritiHitandRun
— Arun Yadav (@mparunyadav) March 7, 2016
“How could I stop to help? I was in the middle of my Amar Chitra Katha.” #SmritiHitandRun
— lindsay pereira (@lindsaypereira) March 7, 2016
Unfortunately”Human resource Development”mnst,!saving life is d first condition f human develpmnt #SmritiHitandRun
— seema (@seemaadhikari) March 7, 2016
Her convoy killed a man and she was busy tweeting the lie instead of helping the family. Shame! #SmritiHitandRun
— Arun Yadav (@mparunyadav) March 7, 2016
Irani said that she ensured the people injured in the accident were taken to a hospital and thanked others for helping out. According to reports, an FIR has also been registered in connection with this accident.