Allu Arjun’s latest upcoming movie is name has been titled Son of Satya Murthy. Trivikram Srinivas is directing the movie. Kannada Super Star Upendra is playing a important role in the film while Samantha Ruth Prabhu is acting as female lead in the film, Nitya Menon and Adah Sharma are also playing crucial roles in the film and apart from them Thanikela Bharani, Brahmanandham etc are playing some other role in the movie. Ileana D’cruz is all set to comeback to industry. Now Son of Satya Murthy Pre-look Extended released.
S/o Sathyamurthy – Allu Arjun, Samantha, Trivikram
Devi Sri Prasad is composing the music for the film. The film was launched officially on 10 April 2014 at Ramanaidu Studios in Hyderabad. The principal photography commenced on 22 September 2014 at Hyderabad. The film is scheduled for a worldwide release on 2 April 2015.
Cast & Crew : Allu Arjun, Upendra, Samantha, Sneha, Nithya Menon, Adah Sharma
Director : Trivikram Srinivas
Music Director : Devi Sri Prasad
Producer: S. Radhakrishna( Chinababu)
Watch: S/o Sathyamurthy Extended Pre-Look
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