Son Becomes A Lawyer To Win His Dad’s Land Back That He Lost 23 Years Ago In A Legal Dispute

Jordan Kinyera, the son who became a lawyer in Uganda to win his father’s land that he lost 23 years ago in a legal dispute with their neighbors.

After Jordan saw the effects it had on his family, he decided to take everything in his own hands and bring justice to his father.

Jordan didn’t accept his family’s fate, instead of accepting it he became a lawyer to take on the case by himself.

During an interview, Jordan said, “I made the decision to become a lawyer later in life but much of it was inspired by events I grew up witnessing, the circumstances and frustrations my family went through during the trial, and how it affected us.”

He added, “My dad was retired, so he didn’t have a lot of resources. He wasn’t earning at that time. He was desperate and there is something dehumanising about being in a desperate situation and not being able to do something about it. That is what inspired me the most.”

Jordan did bring justice for his father and also won their land back, but he says that justice was delayed.

He said, “Justice delayed is justice denied. My father is 82 years and he can’t do much with the land now. It’s up to us children to pick up from where he left.”

Jordan Kinyera is now fighting for clients who are caught up in similar situations to the one his family faced 23 years ago.

Land disputes in Uganda are really common for those who left their home during the civil war.

Jordan said, “The issue is so widespread that an entire branch of the high court is just dedicated to land disputes.”