Allu Arjun’s latest upcoming movie S/O Satyamurthy is Ready for release. The Movie has received ‘U/A’ certificate from the Censor Board and is now ready to release in theatres worldwide on 9th April (Thusday). The movie is written and directed by Trivikram Srinivas and produced by S. Radha Krishna under the banner Haarika & Haasine Creations with a whopping budget, held a special screening of “S/O Satyamurthy” for officials of the Censor Board on 30th March (Monday). The movie has received ‘U/A’ certificate without any cut in it.
Initially the movie is ready to be released in theatres Screens as on 2nd April, but Dil Raju, who has bought the distribution rights, reportedly forced the producer S. Radha Krishna to delay the release by a week and the movie is Scheduled to be release in theatres worldwide on 9th April (Thusday). S/O Satyamurthy has been made with a total budget of around ₹40 crore and the movie has earned ₹50 crore from the sale of its music, satellite and distribution rights and the movie is expected to be good earnings on the first Day Show.
Must Watch: S/O Satyamurthy Audio Launch Highlights
S/O Satyamurthy Release Date:
The movie reports suggest that Dil Raju has also distributed Gopichand’s latest movie “Jil”, which was released worldwide on 27th March 2015, and sceptic about recovering his investments from the film in just one week. Hence, Dil Raju reportedly requested the film makers of “S/O Satyamurthy” to postpone the release by a week . So that Dil Raju will at least get back his money from “Jil”. The movie starring Allu Arjun, Upendra, Samantha Ruth Prabhu, Sneha, Adah Sharma, Nithya Menen and Rajendra Prasad. Devi Sri Prasad is composing the music for the film. The film was launched officially on 10 April 2014 at Ramanaidu Studios in Hyderabad. The principal photography commenced on 22 September 2014 at Hyderabad. The film is scheduled for a worldwide release on 9 April 2015. The S/O Satyamurthy film makers agreed to delay the movie by a week and the movie is ready to hit the theatres screens on 9th April (Thusday).