SpiceJet airline has been asked to pay compensation and penalty of Rs. 60,000 to a Tripura resident for losing his luggage in one of its flights, by the apex consumer court. Agartala resident Dr Atanu Ghosh’s one out of five registered ‘check-in’ baggages was lost during his flight and could not be found. Justice J M Malik asked the air carrier to pay the compensation amount to Ghosh.
Ghosh mentioned that the luggage contained goods such as video camera, digital camera, cosmetics and clothes, all worth Rs. 90,000. Dr Ghosh registered his complaint with SpiceJet officials in Kolkata and an FIR with police. Both the lower fora had granted compensation of Rs 50,000 in favour of Ghosh.
Thereafter, the airline approached the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) against the orders of the fora and claimed that the amount awarded to Ghosh was on the higher side.
However, NCDRC said that “the compensation already granted by the fora below is on the lower side” and dismissed the airline’ petition with additional costs of Rs 10,000, to be given to Ghosh.