Union HRD Minister Smriti Irani gave an explosive and emotional speech in Lok Sabha which shook all the members present there on Wednesday. During her speech regarding Dalit PhD scholar Rohith Vemula’s suicide at the University of Hyderabad, Irani had told Parliament that no doctor was allowed near Rohith’s body to declare him ‘dead’, until 6.30 am the next day. Hours after her speech, a fresh video has surfaced online refuting her claims.
On Thursday, University of Hyderabad student Zikrullah Nisha posted a video on his facebook page and wrote that he was the first person to call for a doctor upon learning about Vemula’s suicide and that the Chief Medical Officer of the university reached the spot within five minutes.
“Liar..Liar.. I was the person who called health center immediately after learning that Rohith Hanged in NRS hostel. Within 5 minutes CMO Health center Dr. Rajashree P has reached the spot and she checked the pulses and declared him dead. There were Telangana police also present there. Today MHRD minister lied to the entire nation that no doctor and police were allowed to check the dead body till 6:30 AM of next day,” he posted.
“The lady in the video is Dr. Rajashree P the Chief Medical Officer, University of Hyderabad. Telangana Police can also be seen. #JusticeForRohith,.” he wrote and posted a video of the doctor examining Vemula’s dead body.
Watch the Video Here:
The entry made by Dr Rajashree in the university health centre record book is also being shared widely online. Her statement on the record book says, she received a call from the university’s NRS hostel at around 7.20 p.m. She immediately rushed to the hostel in the ambulance and found the body on a bed. It further states that she informed the vice-chancellor, Dean of Students Welfare (DSW) and Registrar immediately.
Opposition parties and activists hit out at Smriti Irani for allegedly distorting facts.