The man of masses known for his style and captivating mannerisms, Indian cinema superstar Rajnikanth has expressed his best wishes to the recently released movie of Ilayathalapthy ‘Puli’ movie. Superstar Rajnikanth who watched over Chimbu Deven directed ‘Puli’ movie in a private screening taking out time despite being busy shooting for his upcoming film “Kabali.”
Rajnikanth Praises Puli Movie Team
Superstar Rajnikanth who watched the latest Tamil fantasy drama “Puli” movie was reported to be awestricken after the private screening. Superstar Rajnikanth said, “I should say I’m amazed at ‘Puli’. The spectacular sets and the grand scale on which the film has been made is on par with Hollywood standards” after watching the latest Tamil fantasy drama “Puli” movie.
Thalaiva Rajnikanth especially appreciated ilayathalapathy actor Vijay’s effort to star in a fantasy film defining the film as a perfect treat for family and kids. Puli movie was released on 1st October 2015 in Tamil, Telugu and Hindi languages. This magnificent movie directed by Chimbu Deven is highly acclaimed for its visual effects has collected Rs.62 crore at the box offices worldwide so far during the opening weekend.
Puli movie featured Vijay in a dual role alongside an ensemble cast including Sudeep, Sridevi, Shruti Haasan, Hansika Motwani, Prabhu and Nandita Swetha. Puli movie was produced by Vijay’s public relations officer Selvakumar, the film has music composed by Devi Sri Prasad. Hang on with us for more trending alerts happening across the globe by bookmarking (press Ctrl+D) us in your web browser for easy navigation.