Tamil actor Vivek’s son Prasanna Kumar (13) has died on 29th October, Thursday. Prasanna Kumar was affected by dengue and also was suffering from brain fever. He was treated for same since 40 days. He was on and off the ventilators during his hospitalisation and he did not respond to the treatment and breathed his last at SRM Institutes for Medical Science at Vadapalani, Chennai, around 4.25 pm. The last rites will be performed at Vivek’s native town Tirunelveli on 30th October 2015. The death has come as a shock to his fans, friends and the family. Prassanakumar was a good keyboard player. He is survived by father Vivek, mother Arulselvi and sisters Amritha Nandini and Tejaswini
Actor Vivek has requested media to respect his privacy and not to take bytes from the people who come to pay homage. He said, “Due to unexpected demise of my son Prasanna Kumar, am physically and mentally upset. I request you to not cover the news by visual and take bytes from the people who pay homage to my son. Hope you will understand my emotion. Thank you”.
Here are the tweets of friends and journalists who have expressed their condolences over the untimely death of the young boy.
Prasanna Wrote:
Very sad to know @Actor_Vivek sir’s son passed away. My deepest condolences to the family and prayers to the poor little soul
Khushbusundar Tweeted:
Heartbreaking..my good friend @Actor_Vivek tragically lost his 14yr old son to an illness. .may vivekji n the family find strength.
#PrasannaVivek was a very good keyboard player..his interest was in music..snatched away 2 soon..#RIP Prasanna..u will stay in r hearts 4evr
Nothing can ever compensate the loss of a child 2 the parents..no words will ever be soothing enough 2 take away the pain..the vacuum remains
Rinku Gupta Tweeted:
Prasanna, 15 yrs, son of @Actor_Vivek had been hospitalised for several days. Heartfelt condolences to his family for the irreparable loss
Actor #vivek son Prasanna was reportedly in the hospital for forty days with brain fever. He underwent surgery but succumbed today. Sad loss
Esakki Muthu Wrote
Actor Vivek Son named Prasanna Kumar aged 13 is passed away due to illness. RIP
Aishwaryaa.R.Dhanush Wrote:
@Actor_Vivek sir.do not know what to say.no words can console your loss today.may Sairam give you strength to pull through this.#RIPPrasanna
Latha Wrote
Actor Vivek’s son Prassana passes away at SIMS Hospital. May god give him strength.
Sriya Reddy Posted
#Vivek sir so sorry to hear about your son, hope you and your family have courage and strength #goneTosoon #rip @Actor_Vivek
Karunakaran Tweeted
Very sad news my deepest condolences to Vivek sir and his family
Sona Heiden Posted
This is indeed very sad news, for a man who spends his life making others smile
Sreedhar Pillai Tweeted
Very sad news @Actor_Vivek ‘s 14-year-old son Prasanna passes away due to brain fever. My heartfelt condolences
Anirudh Ravichander Posted
Very sad moment.. RIP Prasanna.. #Gonetoosoon
Jayam Ravi Tweeted
Shattered to see @Actor_Vivek sir & his family endure this tragedy. Praying for strength for them to overcome their loss. RIP Prasanna
Nitin Sathya Wrote
May god give strength to #actorvivek irreplaceable loss. Rip Prasanna. Just 13. Sad….
Arya Tweeted
Shocked to hear about the sudden death of @Actor_Vivek s son #Prasanna strength to the family nd friends #RIP
Very painful to hear the loss of @Actor_Vivek sir son.Almighty give the family enough strength..no words 2 console..
— Kameela nasser (@nasser_kameela) October 29, 2015
“@skycinemas: Shocking*** #Vivek sir son #Prasana passed away 🙁 Rest in Piece 🙁 Can’t believe. #RIPPrasana pic.twitter.com/tDQ9P04L8C” — Ajith 🙂 (@ajithpagash) October 29, 2015
Comedian #Vivek‘s Son #Prasanna Passed Away https://t.co/7BAOR8SycO via @YouTube
— Pluz Tamil (@PluzTamil) October 29, 2015
Prasanna, 15 yrs,son of @Actor_Vivek had been hospitalised for several days. Heartfelt condolences to his family fr th irreparable loss — Rinku Gupta (@RinkuGupta2012) October 29, 2015
An old Photo of #vivek with son #prasanna n ar rahman… pic.twitter.com/hGvwEvHkrz
— Rinku Gupta (@RinkuGupta2012) October 29, 2015