Telangana Chief Minister KCR had gone to Vijayawada to invite Andhra CM Chandrababu Naidu for the Ayudha Chandi Yagam he’s been planning. Both the Telugu CMs greeted each other affectionately and Chandrababu even arranged a sumptuous lunch with special Andhra delicacies for KCR.
However, here’s one photograph that is going viral on Facebook & Whatsapp since yesterday. The photograph shows the Telangana CM allegedly sticking a cigarette in his mouth and about to light it up on the banks of River Krishna before he flew back to Hyderabad.
KCR Smoking Photo: Real Or Fake?
KCR is seen speaking to AP state’s Minister of Finance Yanamala Ramakrishnudu while waiting for the his helicopter. But many say that the Telangana CM was not smoking and there was a white still rod in the background and the photographer clicked it in a very tricky way to make it look like smoking.
Many people earlier reported that, he is a chain smoker and he continuously smoking daily, but due to doctors’ advice, he quieted Cigarette smoking now. While some say that the picture is not genuine or that there is some other object behind KCR that is creating this appearance of a cigarette. The jury is still out…