Holiday has been declared in Telangana for the second semi-final match between India and Australia. The match will be played in Sydney on Thursday, March 25. Media reports claimed that Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao (KCR) on Wednesday announced that schools, colleges and offices will be shut on Thursday.
Telangana Holiday for World Cup Semi Final Match:
As per the latest news in internet, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao has declared a holiday and a circular to this effect has been sent to all the schools. This move is to ensure that the kids enjoy the crucial match that will seal India’s fate at the World Cup.
#Telangana State Govt declared Tomorrow holiday for all students, to allow them to watch CWC 2015 semifinal between India vs Australia.#INDVSAUS
We are not sure how true this information is. An official confirmation is yet to be made by the government. When it’s made, we will provide the entire info on the same.