Telecom operators have added more than 2,000 new mobile towers in Delhi in the last three months in order to reduce the peril of call drops. An official from the Department of Telecom (DoT) has confirmed that 2,092 mobile sites for 2G and 3G operations have been added in the Delhi service area during the past 12 weeks. The addition of more mobile towers in Delhi considerably reduced the call drop rate. This has helped several Tele-Communication service providers including Bharti Airtel, Reliance Communications, Vodafone and many more.
Bharti Airtel Limited, one of the most popular Indian multinational telecommunications service companies has compared their call drop rate with its previous number of call drops. Now, with the addition of new mobile towers, there is a significant decline in the call drop rate. Earlier, the call drop rate of Bharti Airtel was in the range of 2.92-17.77 percent and now it has come down to 0.08-2.98 percent.
Substantial Decline in Call Drop Rate
There is a substantial decline in the number of call drops in Delhi with the increase of mobile towers in Delhi. Popular mobile network providers have shared their data saying that the call drop rate has been reduced compared to previous call drop issues. Vodafone, which is the second-largest mobile network operator in India has announced that the menace of call drop rate is reduced 0.3-2.97 percent from 1.53-6.63 percent in Delhi.
Reliance Communications also shared their data as it had earlier a call drop rate in the range of 1.53-24.83 percent. Now, it has eventually come down to 0.02-5.15 percent. Idea Cellular also experienced more number of call drops and now it has decreased to 0.14-2.65 percent from 3.34-10.90 percent. In the last three months, the telecom operators have added 22,279 mobile sites all over the country.
Telecom Operators’ Troubles
Besides the addition of mobile sites, operators are also deploying in-building solutions to monitor the call drop issue. However, most of the telecom operators are expressing their dissatisfaction about sealing of sites by local bodies like MCD which hinders their chores to reduce call drops. An operator on condition of anonymity said that if MCD seals one mobile site in an area, it will certainly affect the remaining sites which make it troublesome for them to provide good quality services to customers.
Earlier there was a big problem of call drops which had become acute in the past months. In order to overcome such difficulties, now it has started to improve. Telecom Secretary Rakesh Garg had spoken to owners of telecom companies including Sunil Bharti Mittal and Anil Ambani to address the issue. The telecom operators are accepting that the current services offered by them are not up to the mark. So, the telcos are making critical efforts to enhance in rendering the best experience to their customers.