Widely known Telugu TV actress Rupa Kaur is feared to have attempted suicide at Hussain Sagar, Hyderabad. Eye-witness and the police personnel’s state that TV actress Roopa Kaur was seeking to jump into the Hyderabad’s Hussain Sagar Tank Bund lake while she was rescued during her attempts. Her efforts of taking the drastic steps were discomfited by the lake police personnel’s. TV Actress Roopa has enacted in main lead roles in most of the Telugu super hit serials like Chandramukhi, Sikharam, Anthapuram, Auto Bharathi etc.
Roopa Kaur Telugu TV Actress Try’s to Commit Suicide at Tank Bund Lake After Love Failure
Early morning on Sunday well known actress of Telugu serials soaps was seen taking extreme steps to commit suicide at Hussain Sagar Tank Bund lake of Hyderabad while she was rescued by the lake guards and the police personnel’s. Saving the life of the actress cops took her into the custody of them and later investigated the main reasons behind the extreme step of the actress.
Police reports state that Roopa Alias Harijith Kaur is a Telugu serial actress and since past few months she has been in relationship with Kaval Singh who works as a Manager at ICICI Bank in Hyderabad. The youngster Kavel Singh has been postponing and dodging the proposal of marriage as they made plans to get married his would be husband. While after a brief period living relationship Kavel Singh has denied her marriage proposals with silly excuses such as his parents has some problem with her career and asked her to quit serials and films for the whole.
Followed by Telugu TV serial actress Roopa Kaur and the parents of Kavel Singh have been in the argumentation and disceptation regarding the marriage proposals which has led the actress to step forward to take such extreme step of taking her life by jumping into the lake. Lake view police after rescuing the Telugu TV serial actress Rupa Kaur shifted her to the hospital for treatment while still some valid reasons have to be known yet as per the police department.
A case has been registered with the Hussain Sagar police station and investigation has been started to know the actual and valid reasons behind the cause. The TV Actress Roopa Kaur is currently residing at Suchitra Circle at Boinapalle. A proper counseling is believed to be delivered to the actress so as to make her morally strong. Stay tuned with us for more updates of Telugu, Hindi and other entertainment industry glamor world updates. Press Ctrl + D to bookmark us in your web browser for easy navigation.