Terrified Mother Reveals How An Intruder Tried To Snatch Her 6-Year-Old Daughter From Her Bed In Middle Of The Night

Catherine McCracken, a mother, who said that she was asleep when she spotted an intruder tip-toe past her bed on Saturday early morning and tried to snatch her 6-year-old daughter.

The mother thought that it was her husband getting up to smoke his cigarette, but when she saw the man wearing blue jeans, which is something her husband does not wear.

Catherine said, “I got very frightened at this point and did not want to open my eyes but I knew I had to. As I looked up I saw a man stand over my child, he had his hands down beside her.”

The mother asked who the intruder was, but the intruder did not answer and move. She asked the same question again, the intruder moved towards her, immediately she shouted for her partner who chased the man.

The PSNI (Police Service of Northern Ireland) said that they are investigating into the “Disturbing Incident”

A spokesperson from the PSNI said, “We’re dealing with a disturbing incident from the early hours of this morning in Drumbeg, Craigavon.”

The spokesperson added, “A mum with kids in bed alongside her was awoken between 2.30am and 2.45am to find a man standing over the end of her bed. Nothing was said, or taken, but when challenged by an understandably terrified home owner, he ran off down the stairs and out the front door. We believe he entered through an open upstairs window.”

The spokesperson described the intruder, “He is described as a while male skinhead, tall, late 20s, wearing a cream shirt and blue jeans.”

The PSNI said, “This would be a petrifying ordeal for anyone, but more so for a parent with children to protect.”

Later on, Catherine found a ladder positioned against her neighbor’s property. The police think that the intruder got inside their house by using the window of their son’s room, which was left open that night.

Catherine said that the most worrying part about the incident was when her 6-year-old daughter shared what the intruder did to her and how he tried to “Lift Her”.

Catherine said, “She told me a man rubbed her hair in a circular motion… he tried to lift her. She said he had black gloves, they looked like daddy’s gloves, but she knew it wasn’t her daddy.

The intruder said, “Come with me.”

She added that her 6-year-old daughter is still upset about the incident, Catherine said that her daughter is currently waiting to speak to detectives that are specially trained for these types of incidents.

The Police Service of Northern Ireland said that if anyone who was in the area during the incident happened and saw something that they think was weird, to call them and share the piece of information they have, call them on 101.

They said, “Someone out there must have seen something. There is a mum out there who will no doubt lie awake tonight worrying.”

They added, “Help us keep her safe. Help us find out who is responsible.”