Thanksgivings Ritual Led to Death of Burari Family

The diary and register which was found by the police officials from the Burari family house have been analysed. On this Sunday 11 member of Burari family found dead in the morning. Delhi police reviewed the CCTV footage from the neighbourhood. On Wednesday Delhi police said that the ritual was part of a seven day Thanksgiving ceremony.



Statement of police

Bhatia family was confident they would survive the ceremony, which prescribed a ritualistic hanging, and had even planned to repeat the ritual with a relative who was facing problems.

As according to the notes found in the possession from the house. Family next plan was to perform its ritualistic exercise with the Tina sister named Mamta. However, another face of the incident is Mamta is not at all aware of what they had planned for her.

After considering the CCTV footage, police officials found two women members of the family, Savita and her daughter named Neetu brings stool at 10:00 PM on Saturday. After 15 minutes two 15 years old boys named Dhruv and Shivam brings the cable from the plywood shop. These stools and wires were used in the mass suicide.



Details of Family Members

The dead which was found dead on Sunday morning includes family’s oldest member Narayan Devi who is 77 years old, her two sons Bhavesh(50) and Lalit(45), their wives Savita (48) and Tina(42) daughter Pratibha who is 57. The family consist of five Grandchildren named Priyanka, Neetu, Monu, Dhruv and Shivam.

Autopsy reports stated that Narayan, Bhavesh and Pratibha died because of the partial hanging. The notes which were found in the house has been maintained since 2007 by Lalit one of the family member. Police found a total of 13 registers and hundreds of loose pages which was written by Lalit and Priyanka.

The whole procedure gets a start before a week of death. According to the notes first six days involved rehearsals in which they blind their limbs, blindfold themselves and tie the noose around their necks.



On the seventh day, they are meant to hang themselves. Family members believed that by doing this, they would meet the supernatural powers.