With the Festival of Lights just around the corner, everyone are geared up to celebrate the festival with their family and friends with the maximum lights and sounds. When one thinks of Diwali, it is natural to get a picture of fire-crackers burning at every home and street. But does anyone think of the pollution caused by the fire crackers? One should also give a thought to the environmental pollution and the effects of it on the living beings.
These adorable kids are here to spread awareness and appeal us to not burn fireworks to celebrate the upcoming Diwali festival. These kids carried placards reading messages like ‘Say, no to crackers.’ Found these very intuitive and eye-catching message posters on web and re-sharing them here.
The Earth has enough problems already, keep calm & ‘Say No’ To Crackers. Have a happy & kind Diwali this year. Diwali is a Festival of lights, love & togetherness and not Noise. Spread the love! 🙂