This Woman Consumes Around 7000 Calories Per Day As She Wants To Be The Fattest Person

‘I won’t stop until I’m too fat to move.’ That’s exactly how Monica Riley, 27, feels about her mission to weigh 1,000 lbs. Not only does this obese model want to be the fattest woman in the world, but she wants to be immobile. And no, we’re not joking.

Meet Monica Riley. She’s from Forth Worth, Texas and currently weighs 700 lbs. And while that may seem like a lot to the average person, she’s on a mission to gain even more weight! The 27-year-old wants to become the fattest woman in the world, and her boyfriend, Sid Riley, 25, is helping her accomplish this goal.

She weighs 700 pounds and is a 27-year-old model who lives in texas with her boyfriend, Sid Riley. 

Her boyfriend, Sid Riley, totally supports her dream, a little too much – he feeds her weight-gain shakes through a funnel, which consists of strawberry Pop Tarts, ice cream, heavy cream and 2 percent milk. 

Monica eats 6,000 to 8,000 calories per day and her stomach’s size is 91 inches – 9 inches short to reach the 100th mark.

While Sid supports her dream, he is actually sexually aroused while his girlfriend gorges on the food. 


This is what Monica has to say:

If I lay down after a big dinner he has to help me roll over because my belly is too full for me to roll – it’s a big turn-on for both of us.

Moreover, Monica allows men on the internet send her food to eat, and she records herself doing it.

Anyone who is scratching their head trying to make a sense, feel free to come and join my league, because I have a million questions bombarding my judgement:

  1. As much as I understand her will to do this, there are less privileged people in the world who can consume this amount of food and be happy.
  2. It’s such a futile attempt to gain attention and it makes no sense.
  3. People telling me to accept people in all body shapes and sizes can fuck off and mind their own business.