Tip Of Man’s Penis Turns Black After Sex Partner Accidentally Bit It During Intercourse

A case that was published in the Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine this week stated that a man’s penis tip started to turn black after his sex partner accidentally bit it while they were having sex.

Marc Zosky, the lead study author of the study, said the black wound started to spread across the head.

Marc Zosky, a University of Arizona College of Medicine professor, released a statement about the incident.

Marc said, “Approximately five days prior, his significant other accidentally bit him on the tip of the penis during sexual intercourse.”

Marc added, “Since the initial trauma, the patient noted the wound to be worsening in pain and became darker.”

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The study states that the man in the case is a 43-year-old man.

The man had no fever and was fine when he drove himself to the emergency room.

Doctors compared the rotting wound with a rotting banana or a scrawl of a black sharpie marker.

Doctors admitted the man to the hospital, where he was treated by the urology and infectious disease teams.

The team looked at his blackening penis and placed him on intravenous antibiotics.

There were no drainage issues associated with the wound, and the man was discharged from the hospital with an oral antibiotic prescription.

1 month after he was discharged, the 43-year-old man returned for a checkup.

Doctor said the wound of the man made a full recovery with minimal deformity of his penis.

The doctors published the case in the Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine to spread awareness of penis-related injuries.

Doctors in the study said not attending to a penis wound can lead to infections such as ulcers and even lethal gangrene if the wound stays untreated.