7 Ways You Can Train Your Brain To Learn Good And Healthy Habits – Check Out!

In the words of MK McGovern, “Habits are the sequences of actions that are learned progressively and are more often performed unconsciously.” The human brain cannot handle every little detail about the things we do. Habits are the ways of the brain that helps us to simultaneously memorize and repeat the things we do on a regular basis.

Imagine you are sitting on a bus or train and you are set free. You saw a person beside you operating his/her phone. At that moment, two things happen in your brain.

  1. A rush of Dopamine: A Chemical compound present in the body as a neurotransmitter.
  2. The CUE: You subordinate it with the memory of surfing and your hand reaches for your phone.

Here are some insights that can help you effectively form goal-oriented habits:

1. Will Power:

Will develops your ability to kick a bad habit but there is much smart work to be done to kick off bad habits and try good habits.

2. Step-By-Step:

Do it one good habit at a time but don’t go on doing multiple at a time like spree. Start one habit and perform, repeat it and then try another.

3. Learning:

Taking a task and learning it means training your brain to a new topic. It might be stressful but later on, it becomes comfortable to your brain.

4. Practice:

Whatever the task or work you start, practise is the only way you can become a master in that particular task or work.

5. Reminder:

When you see someone playing or operating his/her phone, it makes you do the same. This is why runners run in groups – because when they see another guy running, they want to run too.

6. 66 Days:

According to a research, it is said that a new habit can be learned in 66 days. You have to repeat or learn for 66 days to become a habit that makes you good.

7. Reward:

Reward yourself by having a piece of candy after reading a book or watching a favourite show after meditation or meeting your best friend and have a dinner.