Trump Works Along With Western Countries In Expelling Russian Diplomats, Then Decides For A Meet With Putin, Ironical!!!

Trump seems to be on a roller coaster ride whenever he makes a decision over world politics. For this we have got another instance to believe about that.

As per the fresh news reports, President Trump has shown his willingness for a rare face to face meeting with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. The news comes amid a time when there is strong evidence that Moscow poisoned an ex-spy and also his daughter near their homes in the UK. The attack has plunged relations between Russia and many western countries.

The two leaders, during a phone call, discussed a planned meeting on March 20. The conversation was made known for the first time today. There was elaboration over the time and the meeting place and it is also possible that the summit may even not happen. That is not a signal that the men sitting down together any less jarring.

The reason of the meetings with a US president are a major honor for any world leader. This time Trump wanted to offer the Russian strongman a reward and at the same time the US was supporting with other countries to punish Russia for the nerve agent attack over the Soviet spy. The meeting between US and Russian President is not a new one. Many a times in past there were such meets. The meet would greatly help Putin by sending a message to the world that there is nothing to fear for the Russian leader around the world.

The proposed meetings timing  comes at a time when there is row over the poisoning of a Russian spy in Uk along with his daughter. On March 4, Sergei Skripal, a former Soviet and Russian spy, was found in unconscious condition on a bench next to his daughter Yulia in the English city of Salisbury. Just Ten days has passed, the UK announced that it was ousting 23 Russian diplomats out of the country because London blamed Moscow for having role behind the attack.

The US on March 26,  decided to expel 60 Russian intelligence officers and closed a Russian consulate in Seattle. More than 20 other countries followed suit, saying they would kick out more than 100 Russian spies. Even New Zealand tried to expel Russian spies but was not able to find any. Russia retaliated to the moves by removing 150 Western diplomats from the country on March 29 — effectively a like-for-like response.

That makes the Trump-Putin call on March 20 so interesting. Trump knew that the top ally America, the United Kingdom, had already responded forcefully to the Skripal attack, and he knew his administration will have to undergo a  coordinated global response.

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