Pooja Mishra who is the contestent in the reality Television show Bigg Boss 5 for 8 weeks on the channel Colors. Pooja featured in the reality TV show Big Switch on the channel UTV Bindass in 2010 and she also features in an item number in a Bollywood movie Mera Dil Leke Dekho in 2006. She participated in the popular and well known reality shows. She has already come out with the controversial issue in which famous celebs like Sonakshi has also pulled out. Now she is back in the limelight with the controversial issues, once have a look at those incidents.
Pooja Mishra had filed a case against an industrialist and Bollywood celebrities, including Sonakshi Sinha and Isha Koppikar saying harassment and molestation charges in the earlier of this year. This turned out to be a biggest publicity gimmick. She always creates a disturbance in the public and this is one of them. Have you come out of the hotel without paying any bill..?? Have a look at this video where Pooja Mishra has come out of the hotel without paying bill and also creates unhealthy environment.