Bollywood actor Anupam Kher has been awarded the prestigious Padma Bhushan Award. It was only very normal to him sharing the happiness on Twitter as he does often. But soon he was trolled by the Twitter users and reacted on his Tweet. It was a dramatic twist and the issue was related to a six-year-old tweet of Anupam Kher. The Twitter users dugout and brought the tweet to limelight once again.
As soon as it was announced on Monday that he would be a recipient of the Padma Bhushan, Kher took to Twitter and posted something sharing his happiness.
Happy, Humbled & Honoured to share that i have been awarded The PADMA BHUSHAN by the Govt. of India. Greatest news of my life:) #JaiHind
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPkher) January 25, 2016
Celebrities are public figures and more than often they cannot shake off their past. Kher though was singing a different tune, a six years old post of him came out from 2010.
AWARDS in our country have become a mockery of our system.There is NO authenticity left in any one of them.B it films, National or now PADMA
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPkher) January 26, 2010
Twitter Reactions On Anupam Kher Post:
@timesofindia @AnupamPkher Hypocrite Mr. Kher! Totally non-deserving, got as reward for licking master’s boots!
— Balbir Sharma (@balbirsharma) January 26, 2016
# BolBindhast
UPA had done injustice to @AnupamPkher by not giving Padmashree, Modi Sarkar did him extra favor by giving PadmaBhushan!— nikhil wagle (@waglenikhil) January 26, 2016
Sir @AnupamPkher these Anti National are mocking you with old Tweet. Pls tell them that you Tweet when u were drunk
— Karwan (@karwan_an) January 25, 2016
This issue tells you that ‘your past will always haunt you.’