Indian English writer Chetan Bhagat was one of the judges on reality dance show Nach Baliye recently, and Bollywood actress Twinkle Khanna wasn’t too happy with his performance. Chetan Bhagat recently made his TV debut as the judge of dance reality show, Nach Baliye, amidst tons of mixed reviews. While some people totally loved his down to earth and good guy antics, others totally slammed him for being inadequate for judging a dance reality show. While of course the audience stands divided whether they love him or hate him as the show’s judge, Twinkle Khanna has definitely decided on her opinion about him! She commented about how the quality of judges on the show had dropped and this prompted Bhagat to respond. A Twitter battle ensued
Both Twinkle and Chetan Bhagat were embroiled in a war of words on twitter recently, which Bhagat tried to shoo down as a “fun banter”! But let’s just take you through it, and we’re sure you’d agree it was nothing but fun.
It was all actually started when someone made a remark on Twinkle’s twitter wall, hinting at Chetan Bhagat.