Video: 10-Year-Old Girl Gets Hit On The Head By Bird During Rollercoaster Ride

10-year-old Paige Ormiston got hit by a large bird during her ride at a rollercoaster at the Movie World amusement park in Queensland, Australia.

A 10-year-old in Australia had the guts to go on a ride at a rollercoaster at the Movie World in Queensland and during the ride, the girl was hit by a large bird.

The video of the incident was shared by the mother of Paige Ormiston on Facebook.


She said, “Paige just got hit by an ibis while riding front seat on the DC rival hypercoaster.”

She added, “She had feathers on her and a beak scratch on her right shoulder. She’s completely shocked, a little bruised but ok.”

The video already has over 523 thousand views and has been shared by over 290 people.

During an interview with 9 News, Paige said “I was very scared, I didn’t know what to do because I was stuck in a chair,” she said. “I saw it was white but I didn’t know what it was at first.”

Luckily the 10-year-old girl was not injured when the bird hit her.