A 30-foot whale washed up on the Juhu beach in Mumbai on Thursday night. The whale, said to weigh around four tonnes, was spotted after 10 pm. This is the second biggest whale to have beached along the Maharashtra coast. Last year, a blue whale washed up at Alibaugh and died after a 10-hour struggle to push her back into the sea. The increasing frequency of whales washing ashore is now of deep concern among environmentalists.
Watch the Video here:
Watch | Dead whale washed ashore on Juhu beach#Video | A 35-foot long whale was spotted dead at Mumbai’s Juhu beach last night.The increasing frequency of whales washing ashore is now of deep concern among environmentalists.
Posted by Hindustan Times on Thursday, 28 January 2016
“There could be many reasons – sound pollution under water, pollution from industries, plastic consumption, or even disease, since the animal has no external injuries,” said Animesh Limaye, an expert from Reefwatch India.