Bhartiya Janata Party legislator from Rohini seat Vijendra Gupta was yet again marshalled out from the Delhi Assembly for his misbehaviour. Speaker Ram Niwas Goel initially asked Gupta to leave the House till 4 PM after he entered into a war of words with AAP’s women MLAs over the week-old issue. When he refused to budge, marshals were called in who took Gupta out forcibly.
With OP Sharma already suspended for the entire session over his derogatory remarks against AAP legislator Alka Lamba coupled with Gupta’s eviction today, BJP’s strength in the house has reduced to just one legislator – Jagdish Pradhan.
At least half a dozen marshalls carried Gupta out of the house as the BJP leader struggled to hold on to his seat. He kept on shouting, screaming and kicking in the air while being dragged out.
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Speaking to media, Vijendra Gupta said that he was mishandled by the marshalls and was beaten inside the Assembly. Opposing the suspension of yet another BJP MLA O P Sharma from the Assembly, Gupta said, “I was been mishandled and attacked by the Marshalls inside the Assembly. I was abused inside and was humiliated by the AAP leaders.”
“The AAP government do not want a debate on the Jan Lokpal bill and the behaviour surely depicts their way of administration,” he added.