A disturbing video of a woman attacking her elderly mother in law by strangulating and hitting her with brick has surfaced on the internet. The video has been shared by social activist Kundan Srivastava on his Facebook page in which he has appealed chief minister Akhilesh Yadav to take action against the woman named Sangeeta Jain. The video captured on 05th January through CCTV which Kundan Srivastava advised to put hidden in room.
This one-minute long video shows Sangeeta Jain, Resident of Nehtaur, Uttar Pradesh brutally beating her 70-year-old, sick and helpless mother-in-law (Rajrani Jain) mercilessly, first with bare hands and then using a cloth to make a noose around her neck. She even tries to pull the old woman down from her bed and uses a brick to hit her on the head. Sangeeta is also seen trying to shock her with a water heating rod.
You can watch the Video Here:
In his long post, Kundan says that Sangeeta has been married to the Rajrani Jain’s son Sandeep and a divorce case is currently underway. He describes Sangeeta as a “cruel woman” who filed false dowry harassment and marital rape cases against Sandeep.
How can she be so cruel? I still can’t imagine the pain that 70-year-old mother-in-law has went through.