We all know that Hyderabad City is famous for Biryani and Irani Chai. There are many aspects that had to consider in making one a Hyderabadi. Elements like unique lingo, the handshake, the ‘marfaa’ moves, dancing to the ‘teen maar’ beat constitute a Hyderabadi. Here comes a group of youngsters with their own uniqueness and created Hyderabad’s new anthem called ‘Jimpak Chipak’.
This music video is done by Uneek (Harish), Mc Mike (Kanna Murli), Om Sripathi (Sai Teja) and Sunny Austin. ‘Jimpak Chipak’ is an English-Telugu rap which isn’t just fun but also ignites the dormant Hyderabadi. The video was released online with a name called Hyderabad’s new anthem, it went viral within a day.
The video ‘Jimpak Chipak’ shot in various places in Hyderabad. The musicians have brought in everything in the video that makes the youth of Hyderabad happening. “Talks about facebook likes, comments, twitter craze, it is all there. How you all like it.