Bestowed director of Tollywood Telugu film industry. SS Rajamouli’s magnum opus movie ‘Baaubalu-The Beginning’ had been one of the biggest blockbusters of the year, perhaps the decade. Hailing its conquerableness over all major Indian film industries such as Bollywood, Tollywood, Mollywood, Sandalwood and Kollywood, Baahubali movie has been stealing the hearts of millions across the world.
The very first pan-Indian movie has let every viewer in theatres to stick to the seats. Visual effects of Baahubali has created a new benchmark for VFX in Indian cinema after being acclaimed of being on par with Hollywood biggies like 300 and Lord of the Rings.
Though many of us are unaware how this visual treat is framed in the camera during the shoot of the film, watch out the above-cited video to blow your mind with before and after VFX pics.