Windows 10 Operating System Will Be The Last Version of Microsoft

Czar of Tech world Microsoft’s recent annunciation of end of the Windows products in coming future is been is causing an upheaval among most of its users.  Probably it is considered right now that Windows 10 would be the last major product that can be launched. Microsoft’s multi day event Microsoft Ignite to connect with the information technology guys has disclosed a hidden corporate secret of Microsoft. Microsoft’s developer evangelists Jerry Nixon disclosed the hidden secret of the Microsoft at the company’s multi-day event for connecting with the IT crowd as “Right now we’re releasing Windows 10, and because Windows 10 is the last version of Windows, we’re all still working on Windows 10.”

Windows 10 Would Be Last Revision of Microsoft

Microsoft’s developer evangelist Jerry Nixon’s statements made at the Microsoft Ignite, Chicago this articulating Windows 10 as the last major revision of its most sold and trusted product as the operating system in the world. Microsoft previously stated that it would be updating its operating system Windows in the same way as it is happening currently. Jerry Nixon claimed that Windows 10 would be updated on timely basis when it is needed in episodes.

Jexxy Nixon said that “Windows will be delivered as a service bringing new innovations and updates in an ongoing manner, as we see there to be a “long future” for Windows which also ends and clears the wild stray rumors and predictions of Windows 11 release ahead after Windows 10. Though no acronym has been derived or considered for the upcoming versions of  operating system beyond Windows 10 by the Microsoft. Steve Kleynhans who monitors the Microsoft also works as a research vice-president at analyst firm Gartner says that “There will be no more Windows 10 successive operating system after Windows 10. Earlier in the past we have avoided the Windows 9 and instead chose Windows 10 as a way to signify a break with a past which involved successive stand-alone versions of the operating system.

Although working on that has made Microsoft to witness many new problems and for its loyal users too. Steve Kleynhans claimed during the Microsoft Ignite that every three years Microsoft would be sitting down to develop a ‘the next great OS’ as it would done purely after analyzing what the requirement of the world so as to pop out a well acclaimed product. Added to this a lot of amount has to be spent by the Microsoft so as to convince people and promote its new version claiming as the new version better than anything that had come before making clear why really a users has to tune to it.

Mr. Steve Kleynhans also opined that at the current instance most of the revenue being generated by the Windows is through sales of new PCs for Microsoft which places the company in a safe zone despite minimum risks. Microsoft would be working hard to keep the user end convinced with its timely updated features as per Kleynhans assertion while it leaves the corporate customers in ambiguous state and questions on how the tech giant Microsoft would provide support for corporate customers adapting change. However no more further revisions of the Windows 10 doesn’t mean that Microsoft Windows is going to be frozen and will never have a update certainly it is something opposite to the above stated shifting Windows updates into minimum time period at regular intervals.