World Music Day – June 21

The Fête de la Musique, also known as World Music Day, is an annual music festival taking place on June 21 in cities around the world.

United Nations Organization (UNO) declared the 21st of June every year as the World Music Day because they wanted to keep a thought afresh in the minds of the public that ‘Creativity Drives a Nation’.

They further believe that whosoever is involved in the music profession should surely be respected and their copyright should also be protected. Over the years, clever crooks and pirates have been living on the properties of creative artists. This indeed is one of the major reasons why UNO made this declaration to spread the awareness in the whole world that musicians, just like other creative professionals have the right to reap where they sowed.

As per sources, 21st June is the only day in history of United States of America (USA) when musicians are at liberty to play music to high heavens, play music to disturb their neighborhood or draw people’s attention, even against their will

As per sources, 21st June is the only day in history of United States of America (USA) when musicians are at liberty to play music to high heavens, play music to disturb their neighborhood or draw people’s attention, even against their will

Its purpose is to promote music in two ways:
Amateur and professional musicians are encouraged to perform in the streets. The slogan Faites de la musique (Make music), a homophone of Fête de la Musique, is used to promote this goal.
Many free concerts are organized, making all genres of music accessible to the public. Two of the caveats to being sanctioned by the official Fête de la Musique organization in Paris are that all concerts must be free to the public, and all performers donate their time for free. This is true of most participating cities, now, as well.


World Music Day – June 21

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