Australian Businessman Andrew Forrest Makes Massive $70 Million Bushfire Donation

Andrew Forrest, a businessman from Australia, has made the largest donation to the bushfires in Australia.

Forrest made an eye-whopping $70 Million towards the bushfire recovery efforts.

Andrew, who is also known as Twiggy, donated $70 Million AUD towards bushfire recovery efforts, which will help people on the frontlines.

The money will also help victims rebuild their lives.

The money will be split into different categories so the money can help more people.

$50 Million AUD has been allocated to the National Blueprint, which will take a closer look at battling the bushfires.

$10 Million AUD will be spent on developing a volunteer army, which will be deploying 1,200 people from the mining and agriculture sectors.

$10 million AUD will be going towards communities that have been hit hard by the bushfires.

Talking about his donations, Forrest said, “With incredible courage and determination, Australians have united to help those devastated by these bushfires. We recognize that we don’t have all the answers, but we want to understand what communities need and do our bit to help them.”

If you want to donate or help the people that got affected by the bushfires in Australia, you can click here and donate!

Thank you, Mr. Forrest, you will be helping a lot of people.