Ilocos, Philippines: Fabel Pineda, a 15-year-old girl from the Philippines, was gunned down a few hours after she lodged sex assault complaints against 2 police officers, who reportedly molested her and raped her 18-year-old cousin.
The girl got to know the police officers after she and her cousin were accosted for a curfew violation.
On July 2, 2020, this year, she was murdered while she was on her way home from the Cabugao Police Station.
However, the complaint that was registered by Fabel, the girl, was dismissed by the regional Internal Affairs Service (IAS) of Police Regional Office 1 over a technicality problem. It was reported that the affidavit for her complaint was not signed by the victim.
Brig. Gen. Rodolfo Azurin, Jr., director of the Ilocos regional police said that Staff Sgts. Marawi Torda and Randy Ramos, the accused, remained in custody until the charges are to be resolved.
On July 2, 2020, Fabel and her 18-year-old cousin were on their way home after attending a party when Torda and Ramos stopped them for violating the curfew time.
The 2 cops were assigned at that time at the San Juan Municipal Police Station.
Instead of following the procedures, which is to bring the girls to the police station, the officers took the girls to a place and raped the 18-year-old girl.
Fabel was molested but managed to escape the scene.
The day after, the 2 relatives of Fabel accompanied her to file a case against the police officers.
Fabel and her relatives requested police escort on their way back home, however, it was not approved.
The police officers that received the complaint and refused the request were sacked from their jobs, they are currently facing administrative charges.
The motorcycle that Fabel and her relatives were riding got hit by a van as they were going back to their house.
Men reportedly came out of the van and shot the 15-year-old, leaving her dead on the spot.
Earlier this week, it was revealed that the case of Fabel and the charges against the 2 police officers got dismissed because it lacked evidence to prove the crimes.
#JusticeForFabelPineda is currently viral on social media right now.