Lightning Strike Kills 10 Children In Remote Uganda Town

Kampala, Uganda: During a press release that was carried out by the police, it was reported that 10 children were killed by a lightning strike.

The Ugandan police said that the incident happened near the Congo Border.

The children that were killed in the horrible incident range from 9 to 16 and they were sheltering from the rain in a grass-thatched house when the lightning struck.

The incident happened in the evening of Thursday this week.

It was reported by the police that the kids were playing football in a nearby field.

Josephine Angucia, police spokeswoman in Uganda’s West Nile region, said 4 more children were injured in the horrible event.

Deadly lightning is common and is frequently reported in Uganda, an East African Country during the wet seasons.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families, may their souls rest in peace.