Nursery School Teacher In China Poisons 25 Kids With Porridge After Heated Argument With Colleague

A nursery school teacher from China has been sentenced to death for poisoning 25 children, which killed 1 of them.

Wang Yung, the heartless teacher, used sodium nitrate in the porridge of a colleague’s class after having a road.

The news was released after a court hearing, which called the crime and the criminal as “despicable and vicious”.

A little boy died after having to spend 10 months in a hospital.

A 23-year-old had also sustained minor injuries from the horrible incident in China.

It happened in the eastern city of Jiazuo, where the police were alerted about the incident when the kids of the class started to vomit all together.

The woman that carried out the horrible attacks showed no regard for the consequences her actions could have given her.

The heartless teacher also heard that the teacher knew that the poison is capable of killing people.

The incident happened on March 27, 2020.

Wang had a row with a colleague named Sun, a teacher, over student management issues.

The child, who was not identified and aged by the police, died in January this year after spending 10 straight months in a hospital.

This is not the first time Wang did something similar.

In 2017, the teacher placed sodium nitrate in a cup that was used by her husband after a small fight in their house.

A dad of a victim said that he was left terrified after seeing the condition of his daughter, who had passed out due to the poisoning.

The kids that were in the class were looking extremely sick and very pale when the parents started to come to investigate.

All of the students said that the porridge tasted bitter and salty.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims.