Saudi Arabia Has Already Executed 134 People This Year, 6 Of Them Were Children When They Were Arrested

A new report revealed that Saudi Arabia has already executed 135 people this year, in which 6 of them were kids when they got arrested by the authorities.

The report was released at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

The shocking numbers are high, even after the pledge of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to reduce the use of the death penalty in Saudi Arabia.

Last year, Saudi Arabia executed 149 people and 46 of them were left on death row.

It is believed that most of the 46 people have been killed.

According to the report of Baroness Helena Kennedy, at least 25 people, which includes 3 children are to be executed.

Executing or sentencing someone under 18-years-old to death is not allowed under international law.

Killing methods in Saudi Arabia includes beheading, crucifixion, hanging.

Usually, the mutilated corpses of the victims are left on display for some time and are not buried properly.

The submitted report also highlighted an event in Saudi Arabia where 37 men were put to death in the public in April 2019.

The report says that Saudi is abusing human rights and is illegally and is performing arbitrary and illegal executions.

Abdulkareem al-Hawaj and Mujtaba al-Sweikat were killed in the executions, they were 16 and 17 when the police arrested them.

Al-Hawaj was arrested by the investigating officers for an anti-government protest when he was just 16-years-old and was convicted of being a terrorist.

Hawaj was beheaded along with 36 other men.

Al-Sweikat was arrested by the police for attending anti-government protests.

The human rights charities said the kid was forced and tortured to commit the crimes against Saudi Arabia.

The report also claimed that Al-Sweikat was held in pre-trial detention without charge for 3-years and was subjected to torture by al-Mabahith officers.

He was beaten up, got his foot whipped, and had cigarette burns as torture.

58 of the people that were killed in 2019 were not from Saudi Arabia.

According to the reports, 58 people were killed for spreading Shia Islam, which is considered a crime under the Sunni Arab State.

Last year, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman pledged to reduce the penalty rates “big time” when he was being interviewed by the Time Magazine.