Worrying Over Trump’s Policies US Universities Sends Out Mails To Indian Students

After a prolonged ambiguity in immigration policies, Trump finally became the President of the United States leaving Indians in chaos.

Trump’s policies quite transparently targetted in oustering the current settled Indians as a matter of local employment. His take on implementing the new bill worried the prospective students indirectly.

Indians have always been a cake cream for United States’ universities economy. Now, the universities were alarmed after hearing Trump’s new amendments. In order to calm down the prospective students, the universities at first started sending bulk emails to the Indian students convincing them to not get worried after all.

More than 80% of Indians choose to study masters in the America, out of total students who wish to study abroad. Keeping these numbers in mind, the Universities are also sending out emails to their existing students, ensuring that they have no reason to worry.

Despite the concerns from the universities, many students in the country have already started looking at different options and Canada is gaining prevalence. This could, however, create a loss of great opportunities for US universities.

After analysing the fears and uncertainties of the Indian Students, it appears like the Universities have to come down with their tuition fees or provide more scholarships to all the Indian students if they determine to maintain this momentum.

This allegations and modifications even worried the students’ parents. The people finally came to understand that studying in America is not cheap and a lump sum of loan is mandatory. If the rules are further modified or disturbed then the gradual decline in Indians aspiring for American dreams will be seen.

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